With the recent economic downturn, many people cannot help but search for other means to earn extra income. With the costs of commodities at a constant rise, admittedly, there is an urgent need to do a little catching up as far as spending is concerned. This much is true especially when individuals’ salaries have raise rates far slower than the rates of price increase in commodities. The good thing is that there are certain things that people can try as an extra financial resource. This is the concept behind stay at home employment.The idea of work at home employment is not very new. The concept has been around for years already. There are many people who have tried the business concept, and are satisfied with the results. As the phrase implies, business of this type are typically done at home. The possibilities of a profitable business at home are immense. Usually, it includes the assembly of particular products and rendering of certain services.Some examples of the businesses that people can run at home include; writing services, web designing, graphics designing, photo editing, online retailing, and home-based assembly of many products. Instances of writing services include typing jobs, article writing, legal and medical transcribing, writing for web blogs and many more.Individuals who can do web designs, graphical designs and photo editing can advertise their services on free advertising sites. These people can also sign up in sites for online freelancers or individual providers for free. Online retailing is similar to putting up a store online and many websites offer the opportunity to post products for free.Examples of these sites include eBay, Multiply, and many others. The home-based assembly business is simply about putting together small things to create products that are very sellable to the market. Examples of these products include CD cases, aromatic candles, beaded bracelets, fish lures, and many more,Having a job or business at home has several advantages over regular employment. For one, travel time associated with an office-based job is eliminated. This allows the person to allot that time instead, to other more important things. For instance, the time that could have been spent on travel can instead be spared on marketing the products and services online; it can even be used to spend a quality time with family. In this sense, minimal travel time increases an individuals production efficiency and thus can produce more.Secondly, working at home gives the person flexibility when it comes to time management and control. As jobs and businesses at home do not necessarily have fixed schedules, people can budget their time more and have the option whether to work at a certain time of the day or not. Thirdly, working at home saves people the inconvenience of having to deal with someone who tends to have a negative impact on productivity.The idea of work at home employment sounds very easy yet, whoever ventures into any kind of business has to organize themselves and, everything related to the business to ensure its success.